As an importer of products that are manufactured offshore, mainly in the PRC People's Republic of China, we work together with our key offshore manufacturing partners for promotion of, and adherence to, sustainable ethical labor codes - including raising awareness of the Conventions of the International Labor Organization, including: ILS Conventions concerning labor (C7 Minimum Age, C15 Minimum Age, C138 Minimum Age, and C182 Child Labour (Worst Forms of)), summarized as follows;

Of the 184 Conventions that have been passed by the International Labour Conference, 8 have been identified as "Fundamental" Conventions by the ILO. The Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, adopted by the 86th International Labour Conference held in Geneva (June 1998), relate to freedom of association, discrimination, forced labour and child labour.

The operational objectives of ILO's ILS work in China include:

(a) To promote and realize the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work;
(b) To provide technical advice and assistance for the ratification and application of ILO Conventions, including fundamental and priority Conventions;
(c) To conduct information and educational activities to promote greater awareness of (a variety of) international labour standards;
(d) To strengthen institutional capacity in labour inspection to promote the effective application of ILO Conventions, taking into account the relevant Conventions on labour inspection.

As of 2018 CHINA HAD RATIFIED 26 OF 189 CONVENTIONS THUS FAR: A complete listing of conventions and broader information regarding the International Labor Organization - Ratifications for China
is available on